What are the primary benefits of each lens offering?
All lenses are Varilux®, Crizal®, and Xperio UV™ approved. Available as Xperio UV™ polarized lenses, standard polarized lenses, and standard tinted lenses.
Do the lenses need to be outsourced?
YES. Lenses are produced using a specialized lab process and machinery located at the Dallas Processing Center(DPC)
Can the lenses accommodate a full backside digital design?
YES. All lenses are approved for digital full-backside designs, including Varilux DRx™ and Varilux Stylistic®*.
*Consult Availability Chart for Specific Varilux lens designs.
Which lenses are Xperio UV™ compatible?
All polarized lenses in 1.5 material and polycarbonate material.
Solids: Gray Mist, Sienna Brown, Forest Gray, Emerald Blue, Grape, Plum
Gradients: Gray Mist, Sienna Brown, Forest Gray, Emerald Blue, Grape, Plum
Can I apply an AR?
YES. Approved AR coatings for these lenses are Xperio UV™ and Xperio UV™ Mirrors for polarized lenses and Crizal Sunshield UV™ and Crizal Sunshield UV™ Mirrors for tinted lenses.
How many solid colors are offered?
There are 6 solid color options.
Are any lenses available in mirror polarized lenses?
YES, there are three polarized AR mirror coating lens options.
Xperio UV™ Mirror options:* Gold, Silver and Blue
*Mirrors coatings are available in all of the Essilor® Sunwear Colors™ options.
Are any lenses available in gradient polarized lenses?
YES, there are six polarized mirror options.
Xperio UV™ Gradient options: Gray Mist, Sienna Brown, Forest Gray, Emerald Blue, Grape, Plum
What color lens bases are used to produce the mirror and gradient lenses?
All polarized colors are produced on a gray base.
Are the lenses approved through managed care?
YES. All lenses can be ordered through EyeMed and VSP using the standard ordering process for polarized and tints. The practice must specify Essilor® Sunwear Colors™ and the specific solid or gradient when ordering.